Portrait Artist Statement
Through portraiture, Darlene pursues her belief that painting communicates in a manner different than voice, text, or photography.
Like Alice Neel who devoted her life to capturing a person’s soul regardless of economic stature,
Darlene uses her unique ability to understand and depict what she sees.
Through collaboration, she develops a portrait of vision with intent.
Darlene prays before and during the entire working to express a feeling reminiscent of the person. Darlene wants no control over the image
that interprets your ideas and images into a satisfaction guaranteed portrait.
Working from your choice of style whether a quick sketch or more timely developement using classical, impressionistic, or expressionistic style,
Darlene asks for a chance to capture and expand presence into an artwork.
Each proposed artwork requires an analysis before an accurate price can be settled upon.
Comments from Portrait Recipients,
"Most of all I want to thank you for the feelings you evoked with your work of my parents.
You have a gift."
"We got the portrait...It was absolutely beautiful. Everyone was superbly impressed including the man you drew it for."